
How to Bundle Your Social Media Management Packages for Clients | 10 Examples

9 March, 2024
8 min read
Elise Dopson

You want to offer the best services to your clients, right?

At the same time, you’re wary of making your social media agency look like a jack of all trades - and a master of none.

The more specific your agency’s social media packages are, the higher the chance of delivering better results to your clients.


Because packaging your services by the type of work you do can help clients see you as an expert

If they’re looking for a specialist (like video creation or influencer outreach expert), you’ll win their business if you’ve already got a pre-made package suited to them. 

Promoting your social media management packages well also helps you meet and exceed client expectations. To make sure both you and your client-to-be are on the same page, we'll cover:


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What is a social media management package?

A young marketer standing over a laptop configuring new social media packages

Social media packages are usually bundles of specific social media marketing services your agency offers to promote a brand on social media platforms.

Clients looking to grow their social media presence don't want to be worried about paying hourly charges every week or not knowing exactly what they'll be getting for the money they invest in your agency. Just like yourself - they don't appreciate uncertainty.

On the other hand, when researching and considering what social media marketing agency to hire, they most certainly will want to:

  • Confirm your credibility by taking a look at your marketing portfolio and social media channels
  • Be able to compare packages between different practitioners
  • Know exactly what type of services you offer and their cost

How to Create a Memorable Online Marketing Portfolio for Your Agency.

As you see, having a clear presentation of the social media marketing services your agency offers plays an essential role in converting prospects to clients. So let's see how to package them in the best possible way.

Bonus tip: Use Instagram Highlight Stories to promote your packages. And if you'd like more tips on how to improve your agency's presence on social networks, make sure to read our guide on how to promote your digital marketing agency on social media.

How to package your social media services

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There are several ways you can bundle your agency’s services. But before we discuss them, let’s iron-out one thing:

The most important thing is to think about what your clients want by looking at your buyer personas

What are your target clients struggling with?

If it’s cash (because they’re a startup), consider breaking your services into smaller packages; they likely don’t have a huge marketing budget to invest.

But if your ideal client is a large or midsize business, they might have more cash to splash on a social media agency—meaning you could create larger packages. 

Along with cash, analyse your target client’s time, and the likelihood of their in-house staff having expertise. Small businesses with limited in-house resource might appreciate a full-service social media marketing package, but if they already employ a small team, they probably won’t need the entire package.

The bottom line is that including different tiers of social media packages in your offer will:

  • Help you stand out
  • Make you more competitive
  • Attract more clients

Your ultimate guide on how to start a social media marketing agency with Sendible's free resources

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10 examples of social media packages

You’ve got a rough understanding of the clients you’re targeting, their budget, what they’re looking for, and their in-house resource. 

How do you create a package that suits them?

You could create a custom package tailored to each client. However, that would take lots of time. You’d have to run a discovery session with each new enquiry and patch together a new contract each time a client gives the go-ahead.

But, if you'd like to speed things up, you could pick from one of these proven packages:

  1. The complete social media marketing package
  2. Social media advertising
  3. Platform-specific social media management
  4. Scheduling content and maintaining a social presence
  5. Community management
  6. Visual content creation
  7. Onsite content creation
  8. Influencer outreach
  9. Social media consulting
  10. Social media marketing training

1. The complete social media marketing package

As you could guess, this social media package includes everything your clients could possibly want - from creating (or curating) content for social media platforms, social listening, and growing brand awareness amongst the target audience, to engaging with followers across multiple platforms.

Take a look at Carrie-Ann’s service page, for example:

services i provide

She mentions that her full-service social media marketing strategy includes everything a client needs to have their entire social media presence.

The best part?

Clients hiring you for a full-service social media management package want a completely hands-off approach. You’ll do everything that forms within a social media strategy—often meaning you can charge higher premium rates for this type of package.


White label social media solution for agencies.

Attract new clients and generate more revenue for your digital marketing agency with customisable social media management software under your own brand.

Explore white label solution

2. Social media advertising

Social media advertising spend is expected to reach $187,633m by 2023, purely because it helps reach the millions of people using social media for a small cost. 

Why not help your clients take advantage? 

You could offer a full-service advertising package, creating Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit ads for your clients.  Or, you could offer advertising services for one particular platform like Facebook.

This is what Climbing Trees offer:

facebook ads

The best part about Facebook advertising is that you won’t need to plough thousands into ads. The cost per click (CPC) of a typical Facebook ad is around $0.97, and the average cost per impression (CPM) is 0.56$ compared to Twitter where it goes up to $3.50.

Simply add the standard 10-15% management fee on top of your client’s ad spend, and help them drive more conversions through your social media advertising package.

social media on laptop facebook

3. Platform-specific social media management

Similar to the full-service package, this bundle gives your clients a hands-off approach to their social media management, but it focuses on one platform.

For example:

Social Media 55 offers separate packages for Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram engagement, and LinkedIn.

Social media 55 agency's social media packages for specific platforms

Offering a platform-specific package is a great option if your agency has invested time and effort in learning every aspect of the said platforms or is taking advantage of programs like Meta Business Partners.

Plus, you’ve got the chance to craft your agency as a true social media specialist for whichever platform you choose. Not only will you have tons of experience managing profiles for various clients, but you’ll also understand how to get the best results for that specific platform.

Why wouldn’t your clients want to lend that expertise?

4. Scheduling social media content and maintaining social presence


Sometimes, clients still want to control their social media profiles. It makes sense; if something goes wrong, it’s their name attached to it - and more importantly, their reputation on the line.

That’s why some clients like hiring social media agencies to schedule content and maintain a presence. These packages work by the client providing visuals, and your agency taking care of creating the calendar, then scheduling that content to their profile.

In a nutshell: Your team will spend less time managing the account(s), and the client still has some control of their social media activity.

5. Community management

social media phone managementDesigned by Freepik

Did you know that customers spend 19% more after joining a company’s online community?

Offering a community management package is a superb way to help skyrocket your client’s return on their investment in your agency. Should you launch and maintain a strong community that focuses on the client's target audience, it will generate more cash for your clients than they’re spending on you.

(Isn’t that what every client dreams of?)

Take a look at Ignite Social Media’s community management package:


Notice how they clearly communicate that this package helps the client engage customers, and encourage them to become brand advocates?

You could help build your client’s online community by including these activities in your package:

  • Accepting requests to join the group
  • Posting questions or prompts to encourage comments
  • Commenting on member posts
  • Running promotions
  • Gathering UGC content
  • Replying to customers via direct messages 

Social media management and community management are not the same things. Make sure to read our ultimate guide to being a community manager in an agency to learn more about this role.

How to Bundle Your Social Media Management Packages for Clients | 10 Examples woman using social mediaDesigned by Freepik

6. Visual content creation

It’s well known that 

(It’s no wonder why 80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing.)

Help your clients take advantage of this by offering a visual content creation package like Hurricane Media:


Notice how Hurricane Media have links to their portfolio on their service page. It’s a fantastic way to boost credibility and encourage website visitors to hire you for that package. 

So, what does a visual content creation package include? Here are some of the activities you could offer in this bundle:

  • Designing social posts from scratch
  • Photographing happy customer reviews
  • Creating promotional banners
  • Building custom infographic
  • Filming short videos for Stories, Reels, and TikTok

Since short-form videos are a leading social media trend, you could also consider offering video content creation as a separate package. Either way, clients will have a stunning library of social media-worthy content if they hire you for this package.

instagram image carousel feature on Sendible


How to Bundle Your Social Media Management Packages for Clients | 10 Examples phone screen

7. Onsite content creation

Do you work with clients whose offices are within a reasonable distance? Consider offering a package whereby you visit their office and take photos or videos for their social media accounts. 

I spoke to social media expert Helen Bridal, who offers this service to nearby clients. She said:

Making time to go on-site does pay off. 

Being face-to-face with a client creates greater insight into their business, and sparks new ideas for content that might not be explored just sitting in the office. 

I also think a more hands-on, collaborative approach strengthens working relationships.

This type of content can help clients humanize their social media profiles. Showing behind the scenes helps to build trust in their audience—something proven to be just as important to consumers as price. 

(Again, helping your clients get ROI.)

You are also giving them a dedicated account manager which is a great bonus point for any package.

8. Influencer outreach

Working with influencers can help your clients massively. One report found 49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations, but the process of finding and reaching out to influencers can be tedious. 

Why not take that off your client’s plate and offer a social media influencer package?

Help them take advantage of influencer marketing by offering a package that includes: 

  • Finding and engaging with influencers relevant to the brand
  • Reaching out to influencers
  • Organizing the process behind promotional collaborations
  • Managing long-term relationships
  • Reporting on influencer collaborations

Gough offer blogger outreach as a single service on their website:


You could specialise in influencer marketing on a specific platform (like Instagram, for example), or offer to help your clients collaborate with well-known profiles across various platforms.

9. Social media consulting

Clients might want to hire you, but don’t have the budget to invest in a monthly contract—especially if you’re targeting small businesses. 

A full social media audit is perfect for this situation.

Offer to spend a day combing through their social media accounts, giving them a document full of recommendations for them to implement in their own time. 

FlexxCreative offer audits as one of their social media packages:


Social media audits work perfectly because you don’t have to spend much time doing the work. Once you’ve performed the audit, create a document that:

  • Outlines and explains your strategy
  • Lists the reasons for your recommendations
  • Showcases the best examples (preferably ones that your agency created)
  • Includes a pitch for your services at the end of your audit

You never know—they might see how savvy you are when it comes to social media marketing, and decide to hire you to carry out the changes! 

How to Bundle Your Social Media Management Packages for Clients | 10 Examples phone screen social media

10. Social media marketing training

Similar to a consultation or audit, you could teach your clients how to use social media marketing to their advantage by delivering training. 

You could charge a day (or half-day) rate and hold a workshop at their office to bring their in-house team up to speed. Teach their staff everything you know—from the best times to post to the type of content to publish—and let them put it into practice.  

Little Media Agency offers social media training as a standalone package:

Little Media Agency offers social media marketing training as a separate package.

Again, you can often charge higher rates for social media marketing training packages. The client is hiring you to be the expert, train their entire team, and answer all of their questions. 

You’re basically their lecturer - only your training sessions should be more fun! 

Final thoughts

Are you feeling more confident about how you're going to package your social media services?

Remember to always check your buyer personas before deciding on a package! And, for an extra layer of security, take a look at what clients are currently hiring you for. Which services are the most popular and which come easier to you are usually your best bet.

If you are offering packages like these, Sendible's client connect feature works perfectly.

The client connect feature allows you to manage client profiles without admin access which is often something new clients are worried about in the beginning.