How to Create Social Media Marketing Campaigns for B2C brands (With Examples)
Social Media Campaigns

How to Create B2C Social Media Marketing Campaigns (With Examples)

21 May, 2024
6 min read
Tamara Biljman

Thanks to its interactive nature, social media is one of the most popular channels for promoting business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing campaigns.

You or your agency clients can promote branded content, engage with customers, and advertise its services, all in one place.

When done well, social media marketing campaigns grab the attention of your followers and make it impossible not to interact, and if your social media goal is brand awareness (that translates into engagement rates), you have hit the jackpot.

Three campaign elements have gained popularity over the past few years - transparency, social responsibility, and user-generated content.

Campaigns with either of these three have seen success for brands, big or small, and we've collected some examples that will help you come up with your unique approach:

  1. Social media transparency
  2. Social responsibility
  3. User-generated content
  4. Introducing Gamification to Your Social Media Strategy


Free template for planning social media campaigns

1. Social media transparency

In the ever-changing world of social media, the once-hidden barrier between brands and consumers has disappeared.

Millennials and Gen Z, in particular, expect more than just products or services from the brands they interact with; they desire a genuine connection.

Transparency has become a crucial element that bridges the gap between a brand's image and consumers' expectations.

Transparency is vital for brands on social media as it builds credibility and trust and nurtures long-term relationships with consumers.

It helps to humanize the brand and establish a deeper connection with consumers. Millennials and Gen Z value transparency and actively seek out companies that align with their values.

In today's conscious and socially aware era, a brand's transparency is closely examined and extends beyond product quality to encompass its stance on social issues and honesty in marketing strategies.

Examples of effective transparency: Southwest Airlines and Ryanair

Two low-cost companies took a very different approach to being transparent.

One ran a b2c social media marketing campaign, and the other one seems to be thriving on the negative feedback and includes it in its everyday memes.

Let's dive in into how they utilise their social media channels to engage customers.

Southwest Airlines - Transfarency

Southwest Airlines prides itself on being the world's largest low-cost carrier, and in 2020 they used a marketing campaign, "Transfarency", to prove it.

This campaign perfectly captured the company's commitment to treating customers with honesty and keeping fares low.

According to Kevin Krone, VP and Chief Marketing Officer at Southwest Airlines, being a low-fare airline is at the heart of their brand and business model, and they refuse to nickel and dime their customers.

With the campaign hashtag, #FeesDontFly, Southwest Airlines seizes the opportunity to showcase its value proposition of no hidden fees or extra costs.

This campaign has garnered nearly five million likes on Facebook alone, setting Southwest Airlines apart from the competition and earning the unwavering trust of its loyal customers.

This social media campaign is a great inspiration for brand ready to share data and be transparent on how they do business.

Main learning: Transparency + a unique hashtag = great results, tons of engagement, and a massive amount of user-generated content.


Ryanair - The ongoing transparency

Now, this was in 2020, and TikTok still hasn't reshaped community management and how brands behave on social media. 

Ryanair was one of the leading brands in this revolution.

Instead of running a one-time campaign. Ryanair mixed transparency and memes and completely revamped its social media calendar.

Their social media team skillfully utilises popular social media formats to address negative feedback, all while targeting the younger demographic with trendy language and social media trends.

Throughout, they remain completely transparent about what they offer as a low-cost airline and what passengers can and cannot expect.

Main learning: Unless your brand is ready to completely rebrand and stand by it's new image, don't even think about experimenting with this type of social media transparency.

On the other hand, take Ryanair as an example of how negative feedback can be publicly addressed and used to increase the transparency and finally loyalty.

2. Talk about what matters and emphasize social responsibility

Nowadays, consumers don't only care only about what brands offer them but their social responsibility.

In fact, according to Markstein and Certus Insights:

  • 70% of consumers want to know how the brands they support are addressing social and environmental issues.
  • 46% pay close attention to these efforts when making purchase decisions.

Enter cause marketing.


8 Cause Marketing Examples that Will Inspire Your Social Media Strategy

Examples of effective social responsibility campaigns: Estée Lauder and The Body Shop

Estée Lauder - #TimeToEndBreastCancer

As a part of their 2021 Breast Cancer Campaign, they launched a new social media call-to-action using the hashtags #TimeToEndBreastCancer and #ELCdonates.

These easy-to-implement hashtags encouraged supporters worldwide to raise awareness and funds for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF).

Pink Ribbon #TimeToEndBreastCancer 2021 campaign by Estee LauderSource: @esteelauder

Even though Estée Lauder is not a healthcare organisation, they transferred their influence to social media platforms to continue raising health awareness.

And if you're wondering if it had any genuine impact, aside from collecting funds for lifesaving research, education, and medical services, here's an impressive fact for you:

"Although we have already made great strides against this disease, as breast cancer mortality rates have decreased in the U.S. by 40% among women since 1989 because of earlier detection and improved treatment, our work is not yet done."  

Estée Lauder Companies

The Body Shop - The ongoing social responsibility

When you think of The Body Shop, the first things that come to mind are their commitment to organic products, their strong stance against animal cruelty, and their dedication to mental health awareness.

The Body Shop not only runs occasional campaigns to support causes they deeply care about, but they also have a content pillar in their social media strategy that regularly promotes the causes they believe in.

3. Celebrate your customers by sharing user-generated content

Contests are a fantastic way to gather user-generated content, but I highly recommend incorporating a long-term social media campaign that consistently brings in the most valuable content out there.

By sharing organically obtained user-generated content, you can boost loyalty by bringing joy to the individuals whose content you're showcasing.

It also gives others a glimpse into how genuine users truly feel about your brand!

Example of effective user-generated campaign: Sephora

Sephora - #SephoraSquad

Sephora's hashtag campaign, #SephoraSquad, has become a powerful tool for the brand to discover and engage with talented makeup influencers while also gathering valuable user-generated content.

By utilising this campaign, Sephora has been able to tap into the creativity and expertise of its customers, turning them into brand advocates and ambassadors.

The #SephoraSquad campaign encourages makeup enthusiasts and influencers from all backgrounds to showcase their skills and share their unique beauty looks using Sephora products.

By using the campaign hashtag, users have the opportunity to be noticed by Sephora's social media team and potentially be selected as a member of the #SephoraSquad.

Being part of the #SephoraSquad not only gives influencers recognition and exposure, but it also provides them with exclusive opportunities to collaborate with Sephora on various projects, such as product launches, tutorials, and events.

This collaboration not only benefits the influencers by expanding their reach and credibility, but it also strengthens Sephora's connection with its customers by featuring real people who genuinely love and use their products.


4. Introducing Gamification to Your Social Media Strategy

Finding ways to engage with your customers is a huge aspect of any successful B2C marketing campaign.

Gamification refers to the idea of using social media channels to create challenges or games your followers could participate in to potentially earn points, receive discounts, or getting a specific deal of some kind.

This is an aspect of social media marketing that offers your social media team a lot of flexibility since there are so many ways to go about gamification when it comes to digital marketing.

We have broken down some gamification marketing strategies below along with examples of social media posts from brands that succeeded in generating brand awareness through their own strategies.

The examples below cover various social media platforms and marketing efforts from a range of brands that got it right.

Giveaways on social media platforms

Too Faced holds giveaways on their social media platforms like Instagram that allow them to engage with their target audience. 

A giveaway like theirs the participant normally has to share the post with their followers on their story or tag a friend. This allows Too Faced to reach a new customer base while also creating a better relationship with a loyal customer.

instagram toofaced giveaway

Haven Sleep Co. is another great example of this in action. The link will lead to a page that prompts participants to include their email address and sign up for their email list to be included in the giveaway.

haven giveaway on instagram screenshot

Other Ideas for your social media campaign

starbucks for life campaign

Besides giveaways, you can also use gamifications that offer less but with more definitive winnings for the customer.

Starbucks For Life was a campaign that celebrated 10 years of Starbucks.

Registered customers shook a virtual globe to unlock daily 'pieces' and if they win 3 pieces of any row, they win prizes ranging from bigger prizes like a Delta Air Lines gift card to smaller prizes like bonus stars on the app that could eventually be used to buy drinks.

The final temptation to shake the globe comes from the big prize on offer which is Starbucks for life everyday.

These kinds of gamification campaigns work the best because they have more to offer the participant.

Since there are more prizes on offer in these campaigns, participants have a higher chance of winning and companies tend to see more engagement.

Of course that comes with added expense since you are giving away multiple items but having a campaign of this sort once a year like Starbucks does is a great way to grow your loyal customer base and increase lifetime customer value.

sendible screenshot

Working on campaigns like these for your social media platforms becomes easier when you use Sendible's bulk import feature that allows you to plan your content calendar in advance and bulk import posts so that they can be scheduled out over the weeks or months to come.

When you want to remind customers of a specific giveaway or competition, scheduling out reminder posts on your social media channels can be a great way to do just that.

Understanding B2C social media marketing success

No matter if you're running a short-term or a long-term social media campaign, make sure to include one of these components or ideas on your social media platforms.

I chose them because they help you achieve multiple goals.

They all contribute to increasing loyalty, building stronger relationships with your target audience, and showcasing your brand in the best possible way, all while achieving those business KPIs.

Now that you're familiar with these secret ingredients, be sure to align your campaign plan with measurable KPIs!

The Sendible team is always here to cheer you on and can't wait to witness all the amazing things you'll accomplish.

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