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28 Handy Social Media Content Ideas for Your Brand

17 June, 2021
10 min read
Ellie Scott

Hands up if you’re a social media manager who’s struggling to come up with content ideas.

You’re not alone! A recent study shows that 46% of businesses said they wanted to boost their content creation. So, the need for more and more content is certainly on the rise. 

However, with more content comes the struggle to come up with regular,  innovative social media posts and content. 

Just like writer's block, content fatigue can be debilitating for SMM’s, because, as it turns out, being endlessly creative and constantly delivering new ideas isn’t easy.

But we’re here to renew your passion for the process!

We’ve compiled a list of content ideas that you can incorporate into your social strategy in order to increase engagement and amplify your or your client's brand awareness.

Social media content ideas

Check out these content ideas and take inspiration from the brands that are utilising them:

1. Go Live

Since the pandemic forced people online in 2020, the popularity of live events has exploded. This is because going Live allows a brand's fans to engage more deeply than they can with static content.

In terms of engagement, there's a huge payoff in going Live, too. LinkedIn research has found that, on average, LinkedIn Live videos achieve 24 X more comments and 7X more reactions than native video produced by the same broadcasters.

Use Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Twitter Live and LinkedIn Live to host Q&A's, panels and product demonstrations.

instagram live

Best channels to share this content type: Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter

2. Do a Twitter chat

Twitter chats allow your followers to connect with your brand. They're brilliant places to exchange industry knowledge and best practices, and allow your followers to be heard.

To get the most from your Twitter chat, make sure to collate the responses you get and repurpose them into content for other channels.

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter

3. Run a poll

Polling your followers helps your brand to learn more about your target audience. Whether your questions are serious or silly, engaging your audience is the goal and valuable insights are there for the taking.

instagram poll

LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are some of the main social media channels with in-built polling capabilities.

twitter poll

Best channels to share this content type: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram

4. Share industry-specific nuggets of advice

Social media marketing is all about providing value. So, indulge your followers and potential customers by giving them what they want - help!

Make sure that the information that you provide is hyper-relevant to your target audience. So, if you run a building company, providing advice to your followers about planning permission will be more useful than telling them what sort of eyeshadow they should be using!

In terms of designing these sorts of posts, it's always a good idea to make them very visual - Instagram carousels are a great way to display this sort of information.

industry specific advice

Best channels to share this content type: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

5.  Repurpose user feedback for social media posts

If your customers are writing positive things about you online, then why not shout about it?

The process of gathering posts to repurpose is really straightforward. All you need to do is carry out social media listening across your brand's channels and then screenshot anything complimentary.

The final post doesn't have to be overly complicated in terms of design work - it could be as easy as repurposing a tweet and then adding your brand colours to a template that you create in Photoshop or Canva and you're good to go!

Deliveroo's solution is simple but on-brand:

repurpose user feedback

Best channels to share this content type: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest

6. Jump onto trending topics

This type of content often arises from news and current events, and can get your brand exposure and engagement, if you can strike while the iron is hot.

The golden rule here is relevancy - there's nothing worse than a brand trying to muscle in on a topic or trend where they don't belong. Also, make sure to utilise hashtags on Twitter for maximum reach!

Trending content is harder to plan in advance, so it's always best to leave time in your schedule to be reactive. Water filter company Purifaaya had the right idea with their post following Ronaldo's snubbing of Coca-Cola in favour of water at a recent press conference.

trending posts

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, Instagram

7. Provide self care and wellbeing tips

People are burnt out from too much screen time, mental health has taken a hit, and social media is partly to blame.

Spending too much time on social media isn't good for anyone, and has been shown to increase anxiety, depression, and other issues. Social media usage has seen an all time high with the average user spending 2 hours and 23 minutes daily on social media. So, offering your followers some self care tips and success stories can go a long way.  

Why not show your followers some compassion by posting weekly about ways that they can take care of themselves better, or even encouraging them to switch off from social and reconnect with the real world - they might thank you for it.

self care tips

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn

8. Share original research and data on your social media platforms

If you work in an industry that deals with data and carries out regular research, why not repurpose your findings in a visual, easily digestible way for your followers?

Charts and statistics work brilliantly on Instagram because there are so many unique ways to present them on Instagram Stories or as in-feed posts.

instagram data post

Best channels to share this content type: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest

9. Create videos

Around 57 minutes of video are watched every single day between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. So, it's safe to say that if you make videos, followers will watch them.

There are lots of platforms for brand's wanting to share videos on social media. They include:

  • In-feed videos (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest)
  • Stories (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
  • Instagram Reels
  • IGTV
  • Live video (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • YouTube
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tiktok, Snapchat, Youtube

10. Ask your followers questions

Sometimes marketers forget that social media isn't just a distribution channel. Your followers don't want to be given the hard sell with endless product posts - they want to be heard.

So, why not spend some time getting to know them by asking questions and encouraging them to engage?

Depending on the type and amount of engagement you receive from this style of post, you could repurpose your followers' answers into further posts.

ask followers questions

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn

11. Utilise user-generated content

UGC is essentially content that's already been created for you, by your biggest fans - talk about convenience!

Not only does user generated content save you time on the content creation side, but it's also a great tool for adding a sense of authenticity to your brand, so it can be a quite effective part of your content strategy.

To cultivate this sort of user generated content, create a hashtag and encourage your customers to use it whenever they post about your brand on their social media platforms. 

You don't need to dress these posts up or add any special effects, the more stripped down and real they are, the better. Just make sure you ask permission to share the content by reaching out and asking to repost it on your accounts.

Ultimately, there isn't anything much more powerful for a brand than social proof showing real people using (and enjoying) your product or service, as Estrid shows:

user generated content

Best channels to share this content type: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest

12. Get creative with emojis

Using emojis helps to humanise your brand and studies show that 44% of consumers are more likely to purchase products that are advertised using emojis. And let's face it - emojis are fun!

Some popular emojis in 2023 included:

1. 😂 Face with tears of joy
2. 🤣 Rolling on the floor laughing
3.  ❤️ Red Heart
4. 🙏 Folded Hands
5.   😭 Loudly Crying Face

use emojis

But before you decorate your posts, make sure that emoji usage on social media aligns with your brand values. Also keep in mind that emoji usage should be relevant and appropriate to your message - you don't want to come off as insensitive for pairing an emoji with a serious or sensitive post.

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter

13. Share quotes

While this type of post might seem fluffy, it's great filler content that doesn't take long to create.

The quotes you share could be from influential or inspirational figures in your industry, or be funny things your team members have said. You could also use quote graphics to repurpose any long-form content that your company has produced - that includes blog posts, whitepapers and case studies.

share quotes

Best channels to share this content type: Instagram and Pinterest

14. Celebrate hashtag holidays

Celebrating social media holidays is an easy way to increase engagement on your social media channels, as well as show off your brand values.

The dates your brand decides to celebrate can be charitable, food-related, or just plain silly, but they must resonate with your brand's target audience  and keep you in line with your marketing resolutions.

celebrate hashtag holidays

Some examples of national and social media holidays in 2024  include:

  • #WorldSocialMediaDay📱(30th June 2024)
  • #NationalWatermelonDay 🍉 (3rd August 2024)
  • #RespectDay 💛 (18th September 2024)
  • #Diwali🕯(4th November 2024)
  • #Christmas 🎄(25th December 2024)

Pro Tip: If you're looking for dates to celebrate, you can check out our 2024 Social Media Holidays Calendar which is the perfect tool for helping you to plan a year’s worth of social media posts based around holidays in 2024!!

Sendible's analytics feature can also help you figure out what posts and hashtags are bringing in the most engagement so that you know which ones to focus on.

Best channels to share this content type: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest

15. Share industry news

Platforms like Twitter thrive on trending news. In fact, it's where 11% of Americans get their news from.

Since your audience is primed for it, why not share articles about developments in your industry for your followers to read, or video clips of news events that are happening.

Do make sure to always check your sources before your share - fake news is prolific and could discredit your brand.

industry news

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook

16. Share product news and releases

Keeping followers updated with your brand's movements and teasing them with new releases and developments is a great way to grab their attention and get them excited about your offering.

If you're planning to release a new feature, maximise the opportunity from a content perspective by counting down to d-day with in-feed posts.

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram

17. Share product photos

Product photos are a brand's bread and butter on social media. They're also a frequently used type of visual content for social media marketing campaigns.

Beautifully crafted shots can really help to solidify your brand's aesthetic, and who doesn't love a pretty picture?!

Couple your striking product photo with a strong caption and you're onto a winner!


Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

18. Share relatable memes

Memes are fun and relatable.

Whether you're creating your own or recycling the ones that are floating around the internet, make sure that your brand can connect with its meaning - there's nothing worse than a misinterpretation that could cause upset or backlash for your brand.

memeBest channels to share this content type: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

19. Run a competition

Nothing builds brand awareness like free stuff, so get your followers excited about your brand by running a contest. Just ensure that you make the terms and conditions clear to participants before they enter, to avoid any disappointment or confusion.

walkers crisps competition

Best channels to share this content type: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest

20. Share team content

One way to build trust and show authenticity on social media is to put names to faces and show off the team behind your brand.

You could run a video profile on every team member, or feature their faces on your brand's Instagram feed alongside an interview. Sharing plenty of team shots and updating followers on day-to-day office antics helps to acquaint your followers with your brand and builds a rapport.

team content

Best channels to share this content type: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram

21. Reveal BTS content

Gone are the days of perfectly curated social media content. Consumers want to see what goes on behind the scenes - so show them!

From bloopers to providing exclusive insights into new products and projects, BTS content is a winner when it comes to building your brand on social.

Best channels to share this content type: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

22. Share infographics

Infographics are perfect for your brand's social media channels because you can pack a lot of value into one small post. It's worth noting that they work particularly well on Pinterest.

Use them to highlight important industry stats or relay quick tips that your audience can put into practice.


Best channels to share this content type: Instagram, Pinterest


23. Share blog posts

If your brand has a blog that is frequently updated with new articles, it's definitely worth sharing these links to social media.

Successful content always provides value to the reader, so why not try sharing articles to LinkedIn about trending news or company developments.

For an engaging caption, condense the main points of the article into bullet points to encourage your followers to click the link and find out more.

national geographic blog post

You could also get more mileage from your content by sharing blog posts to Instagram Stories - if you have over 10,000 followers, you're able to use Instagram’s swipe-up link.

Best channels to share this content type: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook

24. Celebrate company milestones

When you're proud of an achievement, all you want to do is tell the world - so why not use your brand's social media channels to broadcast your message? The chances are, your followers will want to pop open the champagne with you!

celebrate company milestones

25. Share customer case studies

Case studies allow you to tell success stories about your brand and let potential customers know what to expect when they invest in your product or service. They work on social media because it's where followers prospect and do their research before buying.

Create video case studies to pack even more punch, and make sure to tag all participants' social media accounts to increase the reach and engagement of your brand's case study posts.

customer case study

Best channels to share this content type: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook

26. Share a pearl of wisdom

If you're feeling particularly thoughtful, why not try sharing a fact, statement or opinion that your followers can engage with. It's a guaranteed way to spark conversation (or debate) and boosts that much-needed engagement.

Best channels to share this content type: LinkedIn, Twitter

27. Provide a product demo or explainer

This is a great chance to demystify any elements of your product that customers might have questions about or don't understand - perfect if you're in the SaaS or technology sectors.

Alternatively, you could provide answers or solutions to common problems by explaining them step-by-step.

These sorts of posts work really well in video format, as well as in an infographic.

Best channels to share this content type: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

28. Show support for social causes

There's never been a more important time for brands to stand up and declare their position on social issues.

Although it may seem risky, or even scary, to stand behind what you believe in, consumers will reward you for making your support known. Why? Because brands are run by humans and can be great agents for progress and change.

The trick with cause marketing is to avoid simply jumping on the bandwagon, and instead, explain your brand's reasons for forming the opinion that it has. Make sure that your brand can justify why it holds a particular position, as well as why you chose to speak up.

support social causes

Best channels to share this content type: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

Wrapping up 2024 social media post ideas

So there you have it - twenty-eight social media post ideas for your brand to try out.

Because we all experience idea droughts from time to time, bookmark this social media posts idea list and refer to it if you're ever struggling for engaging content inspiration.

Happy posting!

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