Streamline your tasks with our LinkedIn Audit Checklist

tickbox Audit a brand's LinkedIn Page in seven steps:

  • Step 1: Goals and KPIs - Set your course for LinkedIn success with crystal-clear goals and measurable KPIs.
  • Step 2: Account Setup and Page Optimization - Fine-tune your LinkedIn presence to make a stellar first impression and attract the right audience.
  • Step 3: Branding and Aesthetics - Infuse your page with eye-catching visuals and on-brand elements that leave a lasting impression.
  • Step 4: Content Creation - Create compelling and valuable content that captivates your audience and establishes thought leadership.
  • Step 5: Content Amplification - Boost your reach and engagement by strategically amplifying your content to a wider audience.
  • Step 6: Employee Advocacy - Harness the power of your team to amplify your brand's reach and foster meaningful connections.
  • Step 7: Lead Generation - Drive qualified leads by implementing effective strategies to capture and nurture potential clients.

tickbox Audit a LinkedIn Profile in five steps:

  • Step 1: Goals and KPIs - Define the purpose and goals of your LinkedIn profile to align your efforts with desired outcomes.
  • Step 2: Profile Optimisation - Optimise your profile elements, including headline, summary, experiences, and skills, to make a strong and compelling impression.
  • Step 3: Content Strategy - Develop a strategic content plan to showcase your expertise, engage your network, and provide value to your audience.
  • Step 4: Engagement and Networking - Actively engage with connections, participate in industry discussions, and build valuable relationships to expand your network.
  • Step 5: Recommendations and Testimonials - Cultivate a strong reputation by gathering positive recommendations and testimonials that highlight your skills and credibility.